Salmonfolk Radio

Salmon Girl, The Whale Watcher and The Storyteller

Episode Summary

On Day 5 of my time on Malcolm Island some unplanned interviews unfold.

Episode Notes

I have a proper sit down oceanside chat with two remarkable humans. Georgiana Keable is one of the Norway Trio here to perform Being Salmon, Being Human. She is also a professional storyteller in Norway and a published author on the topic. You can find out more about her work at 

In this interview you can hear her modern rendition of the Salmon Girl story. She also shares her reasons for becoming a storyteller.

Kate Brauer is an orca enthusiast and researcher who lives on Malcolm Island full time. She has a special story of her own to share. It has to do with 25 foot long orcas who love to charge the beaches on the wild side of Malcolm Island to rub their bellies. Sounds interesting doesn't it?

You can find out about the org Kate is affiliated with at