Salmonfolk Radio

Day 3: Dennis Reid and the Fish Farm News

Episode Summary

Dennis Reid continues to lead the trio from Norway on a backcountry tour of healthy salmon streams while delivering his encyclopediac knowledge of the dangers of salmon farms.

Episode Notes

In Episode 7 I have a chance to do a proper sit down interview with Dennis Reid...except that we are not sitting. Instead we end up standing on the Woss Bridge, 80 feet above the spectacular scenery of the Nimpkish River. Before that though, we spend the afternoon along the Eve River, following it down the slackwater where healthy salmon and fly fishermen and Golden Eagles await us. Dennis also relates a lot of great information about salmon in they live, how they migrate, what a healthy salmon stream consists of. It's basically a "get to know your salmon" episode. 

And after my interview with Dennis, who is one of the most knowledgeable people you can meet when it comes to the dangers of open net salmon farming, I get to end the day on Malcolm Island where the trio from Norway has literally cooked up a tasty campside treat.


Dennis has a website you should check out:

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